Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today, HousingPANIC Covers the Mortgage Bailout Better Than I Ever Could

This is not an issue that can have too much coverage. This is not an issue that can have too many blog posts, too many blog comments, too many parrotting, copy-and-paste MSM articles. The word has to get out, people need to learn.

Everyone who saved their money, did not borrow irresponsibly, your government wants to spend your money to bailout those who gambled on real estate.

The reason you can't afford a better house is that a better home costs too much, right? Do you know why that is?

Answer: People borrowed beyond their means, betting that they could either sell to a greater fool or refinance their way into affording the house. These people are called 'speculators'. Speculators bid against each other and inflated the price of real estate until real buyers, people who just want to buy a home to live in and raise their families, can't afford it.

Read HousingPANIC. Say 'no' to a mortgage bailout.

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